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How to whiten teeth at home

How to whiten teeth at home?

how to whiten teeth at home in one day

There are several ways to whiten teeth with natural ingredients that you can try. Dental and mouth problems such as yellow teeth often make a person less confident. There are many products on the market that promise to remove plaque and whiten teeth. Some teeth whitening products even charge quite high prices. However, you can take advantage of various natural and easy-to-find ingredients to overcome the problem of yellow teeth . What are these materials? The following is a summary from the Healthline site on how to whiten teeth with natural ingredients. 

Whiten teeth with  baking soda

Baking soda has long been used for cooking, especially for making bread and cakes. But who would have thought if these foodstuffs are also able to whiten teeth. Baking soda has natural ingredients that can whiten teeth and remove stains. In addition to whitening teeth, baking soda also keeps bacteria
from growing in the mouth. To whiten your teeth, you just need to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and
 2 teaspoons of water. After forming a paste, you can use the mixture to brush your teeth. Use the baking soda paste several times a week to whiten yellow teeth. 

whiten teeth with baking soda


Whiten teeth with fruits and vegetables

Besides being useful for meeting the body's vitamin needs, fruits and
vegetables can also clean teeth. Strawberries and pineapples are believed to be able to whiten yellow
teeth and contain lots of vitamins. How to whiten teeth with fruit is quite easy. First, mix the baking soda with the strawberries to form a paste.Then use the mixture to brush your teeth. Do not use this mixture too often can cause damage to tooth enamel.

Using coconut oil

Coconut oil or coconut oil can also help eliminate the problem of yellow teeth . You just need to gargle with coconut oil as much as 1-2 teaspoons for 10-30 minutes. After gargling, immediately spit out the oil and do not swallow it because it contains bacteria from the mouth. Then rinse by gargling with water. Then drink a glass of water after gargling. Don't forget to brush your teeth as usual.

 Whiten teeth with apple cider vinegar

You can also use apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth. However, it is not recommended to use this material too often because it can damage the tooth surface. How to whiten teeth with apple cider vinegar is the same as coconut oil. First mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water.
Then use the solution to rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. Spit it out then rinse with water and brush your teeth. 

Whiten teeth with activated charcoal

Activated charcoal or activated charcoal is quite popular among the public in recent times. This material is believed to be able to clean and whiten teeth. Activated charcoal can remove stains on teeth while removing bacteria and toxins from the mouth.

Currently, there are many dental health products such as toothpaste that contain activated charcoal . But there are also other ways to use this ingredient to whiten yellow teeth.

Mix toothpaste with activated charcoal capsules. Use the mixture to brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Do not be too harsh when brushing your teeth with the activated charcoal paste and avoid the gum area.

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