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Prevent and treat cavities

Prevent and treat cavities

Many cases are often found by dentists when patients come with complaints of cavities, most of them will ask why my teeth have cavities?

Cavities or dental caries is a condition in which the tooth layer is damaged which can affect the outermost layer of the tooth/email to the inner layer of the tooth/dentin and can reach nerve damage to the tooth/pulp.

Prevent and treat cavities

Some of the factors that cause cavities

1. Plaque

Plaque is the main cause of cavities, because plaque is a sticky layer consisting of bacteria and acids. Usually contained in sweet foods or drinks that contain certain carbohydrates. For example cakes, candy, soda, and other sweet foods. If you do not immediately check your dental health condition to the dentist it will cause symptoms of toothache.

2. Bad habit of rarely brushing teeth

If you are lazy to brush your teeth, the food contained in your oral cavity will produce acid which eventually damages the tooth tissue.

3. Too little saliva

Saliva can help wash away food debris on the teeth and reduce bacteria in the mouth that cause decay.

4. Not enough Flour

Flour is a natural substance containing minerals that can prevent and repair cavities at an early stage. Flour is usually contained in some drinks and foods such as tea, shrimp and others.

5. Stomach Acid

Stomach acid can rise to the oral cavity causing acidic conditions that will erode the surface of the teeth. If left unchecked, this condition will cause serious tooth decay.

How to prevent cavities

1. Diligently brush your teeth

Brush your teeth 2 times a day, after breakfast and before going to bed. It is recommended to brush your teeth twice to reduce and clean food residue and plaque in the oral cavity.

2. Toothpaste containing fluoride

There are so many choices of toothpaste products on the market. However, toothpastes containing fluoride are known to be more effective at helping strengthen and protect the outermost layer of teeth. Fluoride toothpaste can also help remineralize areas of teeth that have begun to decay.

3. Choose the right toothbrush

In addition to toothpaste, make sure you also choose the right toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles and has a brush head shape that fits your oral cavity.

4. Cut down on sweet foods

Sweet foods usually contain high sugar which can accelerate the formation of cavities in teeth, limiting sweet foods means that you prevent cavities and after eating sweets it is mandatory to brush your teeth.

5. Use of thread (flossing)

You can add floss (flossing) to between your teeth, usually with a toothbrush only food residue is still tucked in the area between your teeth. Flossing can help remove plaque and bacteria more effectively than using a toothbrush alone.

6. Check with the dentist regularly

It is highly recommended to check your teeth regularly every 6 months to the dentist to detect cavities or not . You can also consult not only dental cavities but other complaints such as tartar, straightening teeth and others. The dentist will provide treatment according to your case diagnosis.

What are the treatments for cavities?

Your dental care

Dental treat cavities

After the dentist performs several questions (anamnesis) regarding the main complaint, the course of the disease and about your complaint, the dentist will conduct a dental examination, after confirming the diagnosis of your dental case, a treatment plan will be carried out. Here are some treatments for cavities:

1. Dental Filling

Treatment for cavities that are not too deep to affect the nerves of the teeth, usually the dentist will perform dental fillings. The dentist will clean around your cavities with a bur and then add dental materials to fill the surface of your teeth. After that you are usually asked for a check-up 1 week later to evaluate whether your teeth are comfortable or there are still complaints.

2. Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is done when the tooth cavity has hit the nerves, usually this treatment requires several visits depending on the case of your teeth. If not treated immediately, there will be an infection around the tooth.

3. Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is done as a last resort for your dental treatment when the tooth is no longer possible to maintain.

4. Drug administration

If you detect an infection or inflammation with pain, or just pain, the dentist will prescribe medication according to your dental case diagnosis.

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